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About me


Yup I have been doing this for a long time. 


Drawing freelance since I was about 6 years old

when I couldn't stop reorganizing Mr. Potato Head.

He was my muse. 


I've been drawing characters for apps, animation proposals, children's books and advertising since graduating from OCA

(now OCADU) in Toronto Canada.


There are 3 dimensional bugs and creatures stuck to the ceilings and walls at Sick Kids Hospital in Toronto.


There are pastel, watercolour, acrylic, 3 dimensional characters filling many educational and trade books around the world.


There are colourful digital characters moving around in a new

French app called Minivers. 


There are a couple dozen children's trade books circulating across the globe all illustrated or painted by me and all written by the author Lisa Lucas. Check out her


Of course there are many dogs driving cars and boats around.

If only that were real? 


There are tv proposals hidden in a secret web access site.

Yup, very James Bond. 


If I'm not illustrating characters I'm painting on canvases.

To see my paintings, check out.....







Click the car to see Laurie's resume

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